Yesterday was a very busy day for little Miss Olivia. She loves her swing that we gave her. She would swing all day long if she could. In the morning we had pictures taken. Olivia and Charlie did such a great job with them. I can't wait to see them. After that we brought Olivia to McDonalds to get a Strawberry Banana smoothie. She loves them :) Then we came home to get ready for the big party. Thank you to all of you that were able to make it and thanks for the great stuff. It is so nice that Olivia had so many grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends to share her special day with. She had so much fun and it was nice seeing everyone. The only downside is that I was so busy with food and everything else, that I hardly got to talk to anyone.
We have been talking up her birthday so much this year because she really needed an "Olivia Day" with all that has changed in her life the last month. It is not easy being a big, yesterday Jesse and I promised Olivia that she did not have to go to bed at her usual 8:00 bedtime. We said that she could stay up as late as she wants just this one time. I think that this was a mistake on our part. She stayed up
really late, but it was fun for her. Our neighbors came over and she played with their two boys until 12:30!!! Luckily, she went right to bed when they left and slept until 9:30 this morning and is now napping again because she is so tired.
Here are a few pictures of her special day :)

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