Sunday, July 11, 2010


Charlie is already one month old today!! Wow...time goes by fast. He has already changed so much. And he looks so much like his daddy. He is a very good little boy. He typically goes to bed around 10:00 and gets up between 1:30 and 2:30 then around 6:00 am. Not bad...hopefully he continues to let me sleep. Olivia was 11 weeks old when she started sleeping through the night. It would be nice if he could beat Olivia's time, but only time will time.

He is such a busy little guy. He is constantly moving when he is awake. He already rolls over from his tummy to back. He started this at just 12 days old...his doctor was shocked!! I had to take a video of him doing it or I thought that no one would believe me.

Here are a few pictures of him from the past month.

Charlie after his first bath with his Big Sister!!

Daddy enjoying some cuddle time with his kids.

Just taking a snooze!

Hanging out with his sister.


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