Olivia loves doing arts and crafts, and pretending that she is in school. Today we sat down and worked on cutting, coloring, and writing. (By the way...this was her first time using scissors since they were taken away a few weeks ago after she cut her hair and used the "Stupid Kindergarten Teacher" comment).
She decided that she wanted to send pictures to Owen and Ava. Owen gets a lot of of her art projects, or at least she always says that they are for Owen.
After she finished Owen's picture, she decided that it should be for Owen and Ezra and she had to make a girl one for Ava.
So Ava got a tiger with 'pink' ears

Owen and Ezra got a picture of a tree.
After she finished her pictures, we decided that it would be fun to send them in the mail. Olivia loves getting mail, so we thought that Owen, Ava, and Ezra would also. So Olivia told me what she wanted her letter to say, and I wrote it for her. She added the 'Love You' (with an exclamation mark...her new favorite thing to say and write) and her name.
Then we addressed it
And of course we couldn't forget to lick the envelope.
And finally ventured out to the post office to send the letter.

I hope they enjoy getting their mail tomorrow :)
(Hopefully they get their surprise mail before checking our blog).
And just so our little man doesn't get left out of another entry...
here is what he was doing the whole time.
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