It is finally time for an update on Charlie. He doesn't do much other that Eat, Sleep, and Dirty his diaper at this point, so there hasn't been much to update with him.
Charlie has been growing like a weed. We went to the doctor this morning and he weighs 12 pounds 11 ounces and is six weeks old. That puts him pretty high on the percentage charts. We went to the doctor because he has been having some congestion problems at night. He seems to do just fine with it, but it is very scary for Jesse and I. The doctor is concerned that his adenoids are enlarged. We need to take him to an Ear, Nose and Throat Pediatrician to have him looked at. They possibly will do a sleep study on him to make sure that he doesn't have infant sleep apnea. We are crossing our fingers and praying that everything will go fine. The doctor seems pretty confident that whatever is causing the problem, he will grow out of it. If it is his adenoids, they may need to be removed. While we were there they also checked his heart. He has had a mild heart murmur since he was born and it still seems to be there. Once again, the doctor seems to think that he will eventually grow out of it, but since it has not gone away, he wants to check it out. So, we are also going to have an Echocardiogram done on his heart to make sure that there isn't anything to be concerned about. I am anxiously waiting for the nurse to call me to find out the dates in which we have to have these done. They are hoping to get me into the St. Cloud Hospital otherwise we will have to take him to Children's in the citites. I will make sure to keep everyone posted.
His new trick is smiling :) We don't get a ton of smiles out of him yet, but they are coming. Here are a couple of pictures. They aren't the best, but the smiles are a little tough to catch right now.

Other than that, things have been going pretty well. Tomorrow will be his first day at daycare. I have to go to work for the day. We getting some things organized for the upcoming school year. He will be in good hands, but I am just not excited about being away from my baby for a full day. There will be lots of hugs and kisses at 3:00 tomorrow when I get to pick him up. Olivia is very excited to finally have her little brother tag along with her at daycare, and I am sure she will try and be a big helper tomorrow ( least I hope she is helpful).
This Sunday he is going to be baptised. Olivia is very excited about this and keeps talking about it. I am not sure she entirely understands what it is all about. We have been taking out her things from when she was baptised and trying to explain. We'll see how she does on Sunday. It wouldn't surprise me if she tries to make her way to the front of the church during the ceremony. She doesn't like to be seperated from him.
Here are some randoms of our little guy.

He loves his swing...

...and playing on the floor...

...and of course the TWINS!!!!
His new trick is smiling :) We don't get a ton of smiles out of him yet, but they are coming. Here are a couple of pictures. They aren't the best, but the smiles are a little tough to catch right now.
Other than that, things have been going pretty well. Tomorrow will be his first day at daycare. I have to go to work for the day. We getting some things organized for the upcoming school year. He will be in good hands, but I am just not excited about being away from my baby for a full day. There will be lots of hugs and kisses at 3:00 tomorrow when I get to pick him up. Olivia is very excited to finally have her little brother tag along with her at daycare, and I am sure she will try and be a big helper tomorrow ( least I hope she is helpful).
This Sunday he is going to be baptised. Olivia is very excited about this and keeps talking about it. I am not sure she entirely understands what it is all about. We have been taking out her things from when she was baptised and trying to explain. We'll see how she does on Sunday. It wouldn't surprise me if she tries to make her way to the front of the church during the ceremony. She doesn't like to be seperated from him.
Here are some randoms of our little guy.
He loves his swing...
...and playing on the floor...
...and of course the TWINS!!!!
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