Tomorrow my baby girl is going to be 4. I cannot believe how fast the last four years have gone. It is hard to believe that four years ago today I was at the hospital getting ready to have my first baby. My water broke at about 9:30 pm and Olivia was born the next morning at 6:55. The last four years have been filled with great memories, love, laughs, and of course challenges. Here are some of my favorite memories of Olivia the past four years.
**Olivia's First Word: "Jack"
**Olivia singing "rock-a-baby"
**Olivia telling Jesse and I that she was moving out to St. Cloud
**Olivia writing on our bedroom wall and saying "I just drew people mommy"
**Olivia's First Day of Preschool
**Olivia becoming a "Big Sister"

A not so good moment...last week Olivia was playing with a scissors and she started running around with them. I took them from her and placed them on the table. I told her that she can only use a scissors when she is sitting at the table. She looked at me and said "You Stupid Kindergarten Teacher." Now I was not a very happy person. She immediately had to go up to her room and go to bed (it was nap time) and had to apologize. I must say that Jesse and I were very disappointed in her, but we both had to laugh. She is one smart cookie to be able to put that connection together.
Here are some pictures of Olivia on her previous birthdays.
The Day We Welcomed Olivia to the World
8 lbs. 13 oz.
21 3/4 inches

Olivia's First Birthday...

Olivia's Second Birthday...
Olivia's Third Birthday...
This is the first year that Olivia really gets the whole birthday thing. She is so excited and cannot wait for tomorrow to come. Everyday this week she has been waking up and asking how many days until her birthday. Tomorrow is going to be a fun filled day. We have promised her that as soon as she wakes up she can get her present from us ( is a swing and swinging is her favorite thing to do). After that we are having family pictures and then it is time to get everything ready for all of the people coming to celebrate her birthday. I will post pictures soon.
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