We have had quite the week in the Babler house. Last Friday night Olivia woke up in the middle of the night to the "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad STOMACH FLU." The poor girl (and I) were up all night. We knew it was inevitable, being that almost all the other kids at daycare had it, but we were keeping our fingers crossed.
Saturday Olivia had good spirits, but a mild temperature. Then Saturday afternoon she started complaining, and we ended up having to bring her in to the ER due to a UTI. She had never had one before, so I called the nurse line and they said to bring her in right away. We spent three hours there waiting for a doctor, and finally we had her prescription and we were on our way. By the time we got home, she went straight to bed and slept great :)
Sunday she woke up complaining about her neck. A couple hours later she fell asleep and she woke up screaming. I ended up having to take her back to the ER (screaming the whole way...until, of course, we got there), because the doctors wanted to make sure that she did not have meningitis. Thankfully they said that it was just a "stiff" neck and it would only take a couple of days and she should be back to her normal self . So...once again we were home, had a great supper that Jesse prepared while we were gone, and went to bed.
2:00 am Monday morning...I woke up with the stomach flu...it was HORRIBLE!! So I was up all night sick and trying to write lesson plans for the sub I was going to have to have. Finally I fell asleep and then of course it was time for Jesse to get up for work. He thankfully fed Charlie and called his dad to take Charlie to daycare. I was so weak, I could hardly lift him. So just a few minutes before John was coming to get him and take him to daycare, Charlie threw up all over me and the kitchen. I finally called Jesse and told him he had to come home, because there was absolutely no way I could possibly take care of him, while I felt so horrible. Jesse was home for an hour and guess what???? He also got sick. By Monday night we were all feeling so much better, and we were even able to have a little Chicken Noodle Soup before bed.
Tuesday we went on with our normal schedules (Thank Goodness). After school Olivia and I had dentists appointments. Poor Olivia has a cavity. The dentist explained that it was very very little, she won't even need Novocaine (what a relief). Apparently, Olivia has a small mouth and her teeth are really scrunched together, making it easy to develop cavities. I think they must have known how bad her week was going, so they just needed to add to it. After the dentist, I decided to take Olivia to the doctor, because her neck was just not getting any better and they told us to follow up if not better in a few days. She was walking around with her head cocked to the one side constantly. So we waited at the clinic and the doctor decided that he was going to test her for mono (she had been pretty sleepy the last week) and a few other things. He also did a strep test. She hates getting the swab in her throat and on top of that she had to get her finger pricked...ouch!!! Sure enough she had Strep. So on top of everything else that had happen to her, she had one more thing. Of course the antibiotic that she was on for her UTI was not going to work for Strep, so we had to get a new one.
We have been free and clear for the past few days, and we are hoping that it stays that way. Hopefully we never have a week like this again.
Last night we took Olivia to the football game, and she had a blast. We painted her face and gave her sparkly hair. She made me take pictures of her so here they are...she was pretty excited.

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