Olivia had a great first day of preschool!!
Last night Olivia went to bed really early. She was so excited. I went into her bedroom shortly after putting her to bed and she had her flashlight on and was reading a book to her stuffed animals. She told me she was practicing school.
This morning she woke up early, ate breakfast, and I had to curl her hair. I dropped the kids off at daycare and she got on the bus with Thomas. Thanks to Karla, our daycare provider, we have a great picture of her getting on the bus.

I was able to see her get off the bus at school and snap a quick picture.
Her bus driver is the same driver I had.

Her school is over during one of my preps, so I was able to run down and see how the day went. She loved it. Her teacher even told me that she got a little chatty with some of her friends from last year. Which last year it took her almost the entire year to speak up. She also told me that she had a lot of fun on the bus and that she was sliding on the seats. Hopefully she wasn't too silly. Apparently she is already comfortable with school.

She must have really had a great time. When I picked her up from daycare the first words out of her mouth were "Mom...do I have school tomorrow?." She had lots to tell me like "mom yellow and blue make green" and "I drew a picture of a fence" and "mom, I have lots of homework for you (newsletter, etc.)"
We love our little girl so much...it is so hard to believe that she is riding the school bus and becoming so independent. One more year and she will be a kindergartner :)