Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our Story Teller

Charlie is 3 for 3 in the story telling department this week.  He is such a goof and make believer  :)

Story 1:  On Monday I picked up Charlie from daycare and Karla told me that Charlie told her this long drawn out story about how is mommy is having a baby and it is a boy.  He proceeded to tell her that he will continue to share a room with his sister because the new room will be the new babies because he will be too scared to sleep in the basement.  Karla said it was a pretty creative story.  There is a new baby at day care and another on the way.  I am assuming he just wanted to be like his friends, I can assure you that there will be no more brothers or sisters for Charlie and Olivia. 

Story 2: The other day Charlie looked at me and said "Mom, my teacher said a bad word."  I acted surprised and said "should I ask her about it."  He then said "No mom, it isn't real, I just saw it on Facebook."  That one had me rolling in laughter, and of course I had to share it with his teacher. 

Story 3: Yesterday we went to see Santa and he asked the kids if they were being good helpers.  Of course the kids responded with a yes (even though I might have been thinking otherwise...haha), and then Santa said do you have a dog or a cat that you help with? And Charlie told him that we don't have a dog or cat, we only have a chicken.  

I am not sure where all of this comes from, but it definitely puts a smile on our face.  You can always tell when he is fibbing, because of the smile on his face.  Hopefully he will be able to put his creativeness to good use when he is older.

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