Friday, May 20, 2011

Uh-Oh and so much more!!

Charlie has been a very busy boy the last couple of weeks. He is so much fun :)
He has learned so many new tricks. He has started to take steps. He isn't really walking yet, but will take 3 or 4 steps before falling to a crawl (just because he can get there so much faster that way).

He has also started talking A LOT!! He no longer has a 2-word vocabulary (it was just mama and dada for about 2 months) and he tries to repeat everything! His favorite thing to say is "Jack." He talks about Jack all day long. He really enjoys dropping everything on the floor and saying "Uh-Oh." He also has to say "Kala" every time we pull up to Karla's, our daycare providers house. His new word in the last couple of days is "Ovia" which is "Olivia." He LOVES his big sister =)

His latest trick is climbing out of the exersaucer. The other day I put him in the Exersaucer so I could run down stairs and help Olivia pick up her Barbies. He hasn't been a very big fan of the thing for the past couple of weeks, but I usually can convince him to stay in their with some noisy toys. So as I was downstairs, I was listening to him talk to himself like crazy. Assuming that he was just fine because I could hear him and I knew I had put him in there, I just kept helping Olivia pick up. After about 5 minutes, I came up stairs to NO Charlie. I was panicking and I was looking everywhere for the little turkey. Here he was playing in his bedroom. I, of course, doubted myself putting him in the thing for about 10 minutes. So I put him in it again, and sure enough within 10 seconds he was out again...What a STINKER!!! For those of you non-Facebook users, here is the video that I posted a couple of days ago. It is hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Anna all I have to say is welcome to parenting a busy, curious, active, naughty, boy! I am so happy that you and Jesse were blessed with a son like Owen! I remember all the times you two laughed or couldn't believe the things Owen would do and now they are starting to happen to you guys. Not all boys get all of those wonderful traits so consider yourselves blessed! My best advice for you is let him do (climb, investigate, fix, rip apart)what he wants as long as it is in a safe monitored environment otherwise when you are not looking for even a few seconds he will do it in an unsafe way. GOOD LUCK!
