Here is our always BUSY...

...loves to be naked...

...always smiling...

...BIG BOY...

...who is 8 months old today!!
He is such a BIG and BUSY boy that is getting into everything. It is so funny that at his young age, I already notice a huge difference between boys and girls. He is not as emotional, but man he is BUSY (can you tell...I have said that three times already)!!! Charlie will grab anything that he is not supposed to have and get across the room in about 3.2 seconds. I swear...if he could crawl up walls, he would. His best trait is definitely his smile. He smiles all of the time and it just warms your heart. Happy 8 month Birthday Buddy!!
Happy 8 months Charle...I love this!! You did a great job, Anna!! You have a beautiful family!