For the past couple of weeks the big thing around our house has been the Father Daughter dance. Olivia has been so excited to go.
Well, the big day has finally arrived!!
Today I picked her up from daycare and the first thing she said when we got to the truck..."Mom, does dad have a tie? You know he has to wear a tie to the Father Daughter dance." It was so cute. If you know Jesse, you know he doesn't like to dress up all that much, but of course he had to wear a tie to make his little girl happy. He even let her pick the tie that he had to wear.
Olivia was very excited to get into her outfit and get her hair curled. She loves getting dressed up. She even got to wear a little make-up along with her 'special' locket that Jesse and I gave her the day she was baptized. She has had it in her Faith chest since she was 2 months old, but this is the first time that we have taken it out to show her and let her wear it.
Before Jesse and her left for the dance, Jesse gave Olivia a little surprise. I had just shown her a picture of Jesse and I at prom and pointed out the wrist corsage that Jesse had given me and then Jesse pulled out a corsage for her. She absolutely loved it until we realized that there was no way that it would fit on her wrist (even though we told the florist that she was 4). She brought it to the dance anyways
Here are some pictures from the dance. Jesse ordered some pictures of the two of them.
I will post when we receive them