Jack has to be a part of everything!
Sorry for the long time between posts. We have been running around like crazy and our little man has not been sleeping, which means neither have we :(
I'll start with an update on Charlie. We have had three long weeks of Charlie being sick. He has had such a rough winter. We have been to many doctors and specialists and finally we have some answers. It looks like he is going to be having his adenoids removed and tubes put in his ears. He has been having a lot of fluid in his ears, which is causing the congestion in his nose/throat, all of that with an enlarged adenoid is not a good combination. They are starting him on an antibiotic for a month, hoping that will clear the fluid. We will go back to the doctor mid-February and see how his ears are looking. At that point they will probably schedule the ear tubes. They do not like to remove adenoids before one, so sometime after his birthday he will have his adenoids removed. He also has a follow up appointment with the Heart Center next Tuesday. He still has his heart murmur. I believe they are planning on doing an echo-cardiogram to make pinpoint the type of murmur and they are suspecting there is a small hole in his heart, but apparently that is pretty common.
Other than that, Charlie is doing great. Despite the lack of sleep and him not feeling the greatest, he is still a super happy baby!! He smiles all of the time. He loves that he can get around and get into anything he wants to. He is not quite crawling, but he is scooting and rolling to whatever he shouldn't have. He does get on his hands and knees and rocks, but just isn't quite coordinated enough to take off. It is so funny how I can already tell the difference between boy and girl. He is WAY busier and needs to be playing with the loudest and noisiest toy he can get his hands on. Remotes and phones are his favorite. Be careful if you are holding him and your phone rings :)

He loves being naked!!

Smiling all the time :)

Jesse made me take this picture.
There are so many pictures of him and Olivia sleeping when she was little and he hardly has any with Charlie, so he insisted I take a picture of the two of them sleeping.
He loves cuddling his kids.
Now on to Olivia. She has been busy playing Barbies, Babies, House, Daycare and everything else that little girls play. She is such a little mommy and loves trying to boss her little brother around. She loves school and she recently started Awanas and loves it. She a busy girl with an agenda of her own. I love all of the projects she comes home with (I just wish I knew what to do with all of them). She is obsessed with writing the names of our family members. She does a very good job and I love that she loves to write :) When she is hanging out in the office with Jesse, I usually find a pile of envelopes with our names on them with drawings inside of them. There is nothing like a "love" letter from our favorite little girl.

Proud mom...I had to take a picture of her using her "finger spaces."
I know I am ridiculous, but as a kindergarten teacher, I am proud!!

Finished product!

Olivia wanted this picture taken. She said she was dropping her 4 kids off at daycare and getting ready to go to work. These are apparently her "work" clothes.
Olivia also recently celebrated her "half" birthday. We have never made a big deal out of her half birthday, but this year she made a HUGE deal out of it. I guarantee if you ask her how old she is, she will tell you 4 and a half :D It is our friend's girls real birthday the same day as her half birthday, so that is how she knows it is her half birthday.
We gave in a little and bought her this cute little round cake and she thought it was the best thing ever.

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