Thursday, December 9, 2010


My Kiddos :)

Charlie loves rolling around the floor now.

Saturday we went to see Santa at the John Deere dealership in St. Cloud. Jesse had to work almost 24 hours straight clearing snow, so he was unable to go. Olivia was sad that Jesse couldn't be there, but her and Charlie still had lots of fun.

Olivia Reading of her favorite characters :)

Charlie just hanging out.

Olivia loves her little brother.

Decorating Grandma Ruth's tree for the birds (or whatever animal that eats cranberries, peanut butter, and sunflower seeds).

The smart one...hanging out in the house where it was nice and warm. Maybe next year he will be able to join the older kids outside.

1 comment:

  1. Charlie looks so old in that picture where he is sitting up all by himself! What a big boy he is getting to be already.
