The last week has been CRAZY!!!
So here it is...
Tuesday was our neighborhood's National Night Out get together. It was fun. We had a picnic with hot dogs, chips, and lots of goodies. The local police officers and fire department also showed up for the occasion. Olivia loved riding her bike to the cul-de-sac and playing with the other kids from the neighborhood. She also enjoyed getting an 'inside' tour of the fire truck. Last year she was a little scared and didn't quite make it all the way in the fire truck.

She was a little nervous, but this year she LOVED it. Especially because Jesse was able to go with us this year.

Last Wednesday Charlie had his 2nd day of daycare. I had to work in Detroit Lakes for a workshop and Jesse had to leave for Baxter, so it was a very LONG day. Jesse and I were up and ready to go by 5:00 am...YIKES!!! Jesse dropped the kids off at his mom's and then Ruth dropped them off at daycare. It was really cute...Ruth got the kids in the truck and Olivia apparently said "Grandma, you know you don't have to shift this truck" I guess she was pretty worried that Grandma wouldn't know how to drive our truck. Grandma Ruth also had to pick the kids up at daycare. I finally got home around 7:30. I gave both of them many hugs and kisses after that long, long day.
Thursday Charlie had his appointment with the ENT. We went down to Children's hospital to meet with a pediatric ENT. This appointment was for Charlie's noisy breathing. The doctor checked him over and he had to have a camera stuck down his nose...poor little guy. He did not like it one bit. They said that there wasn't anything they could really do and that he should grow out of it. I sure hope so. I don't know how many more sleepless nights I can take. He sleeps great, he is just sounds scary so I don't get any sleep.
Saturday morning Jesse and I got a little time to ourselves. We had a lunch date at Dairy Queen and went and saw his Grandpa Harvey at the hospital. He is recovering from surgery. After that we had a family reunion for the Knutson side of the family (my dad's mom's family). It was the first time that we all got together. It was fun to see all of our aunts and uncles and cousins. It was also nice for my Grandma to see everyone. Her Alzeimer's seems to be progressing pretty fast. She was very excited to see how many people were part of her family. With all of us now having kids, there were quite a few people there.
Olivia, Melanie, and Evan loved playing together

Sunday we got together with Jesse's family for lunch. His Grandma and Grandpa Babler head back to Texas on Thursday, so we got to see them one last time before the leave. After that we got together with our neighbors for supper. The kids had a blast swimming in Jay and Jenny's pool. We have been pretty lucky. With all of the craziness the last week, we have gotten to swim there quite a bit. Even Charlie got to get his little feet wet.

So here it is...
Tuesday was our neighborhood's National Night Out get together. It was fun. We had a picnic with hot dogs, chips, and lots of goodies. The local police officers and fire department also showed up for the occasion. Olivia loved riding her bike to the cul-de-sac and playing with the other kids from the neighborhood. She also enjoyed getting an 'inside' tour of the fire truck. Last year she was a little scared and didn't quite make it all the way in the fire truck.
She was a little nervous, but this year she LOVED it. Especially because Jesse was able to go with us this year.
Last Wednesday Charlie had his 2nd day of daycare. I had to work in Detroit Lakes for a workshop and Jesse had to leave for Baxter, so it was a very LONG day. Jesse and I were up and ready to go by 5:00 am...YIKES!!! Jesse dropped the kids off at his mom's and then Ruth dropped them off at daycare. It was really cute...Ruth got the kids in the truck and Olivia apparently said "Grandma, you know you don't have to shift this truck" I guess she was pretty worried that Grandma wouldn't know how to drive our truck. Grandma Ruth also had to pick the kids up at daycare. I finally got home around 7:30. I gave both of them many hugs and kisses after that long, long day.
Thursday Charlie had his appointment with the ENT. We went down to Children's hospital to meet with a pediatric ENT. This appointment was for Charlie's noisy breathing. The doctor checked him over and he had to have a camera stuck down his nose...poor little guy. He did not like it one bit. They said that there wasn't anything they could really do and that he should grow out of it. I sure hope so. I don't know how many more sleepless nights I can take. He sleeps great, he is just sounds scary so I don't get any sleep.
Saturday morning Jesse and I got a little time to ourselves. We had a lunch date at Dairy Queen and went and saw his Grandpa Harvey at the hospital. He is recovering from surgery. After that we had a family reunion for the Knutson side of the family (my dad's mom's family). It was the first time that we all got together. It was fun to see all of our aunts and uncles and cousins. It was also nice for my Grandma to see everyone. Her Alzeimer's seems to be progressing pretty fast. She was very excited to see how many people were part of her family. With all of us now having kids, there were quite a few people there.
Olivia, Melanie, and Evan loved playing together

Sunday we got together with Jesse's family for lunch. His Grandma and Grandpa Babler head back to Texas on Thursday, so we got to see them one last time before the leave. After that we got together with our neighbors for supper. The kids had a blast swimming in Jay and Jenny's pool. We have been pretty lucky. With all of the craziness the last week, we have gotten to swim there quite a bit. Even Charlie got to get his little feet wet.

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