Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

Tonight Jesse and the kids carved pumpkins!!
I am so thankful that Jesse likes to carve pumpkins. I am not the biggest fan of pumpkin carving. It is just too messy!! Olivia liked cleaning out the seeds for Grandpa John and Jesse likes to carve out the faces. Charlie just sat back and watched while he enjoyed a really messy cookie.

The Finished Products...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dress Up!!

I just love it now that Charlie is getting a little bigger and Olivia and him can actually play together. Today was a dress up day.

First Olivia dressed Charlie up as a rock star. He thought he was pretty cool. It is great that he is not old enough to care that it is a pink "Barbie" guitar!!

Then Olivia decided they were going to have a wedding. This is the dress that I wore in my aunt's wedding when I was about Olivia's age. She loves it to play dress up in. Olivia said that it was alright if Charlie wore those clothes to the wedding :)

And she definitely could not forget the tiara and veil!!

Then Charlie decided to dress up as the hamper :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Charlie's Plan ???

So I looked over into the kitchen and I found the stools like this... you can see Charlie is strategically planning something.

So then, I see him doing this...

...and wondered what his plan was ?!?!?!?

Well, here it is...

I guess it is pretty cool to see over the counter :)

We love him to pieces, but he really keeps us on our toes!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

MoNkEy SeE MoNkEy Do!!

Olivia climbed up on the table and Charlie was right there with her about 10 seconds later!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Festival

Yesterday we went to the fall Festival. Owen and Olivia ran the 1K kids race and then we let Olivia have a few tickets to do some fun things :) Charlie enjoyed hanging out too!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sleepover :)

A couple of weeks ago Olivia had a friend sleepover. They were so good and had so much fun :) Melanie came to join in on the fun too.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Here is our big boy Charlie. He is starting to look so grown up. He hung out at our friend Dina's house yesterday and she takes such cute pictures!! Too bad he was drooling like crazy and if you are wondering what happened to his face, he face-planted into the road on Friday night while we were walking to one of our neighbors. Many tears were shed and he has a pretty bad spot on his nose, which isn't mixing well with his cold and runny nose :(

Olivia Riding Horse

Yesterday, Olivia rode horse with Grandpa and Grandma. It was a very exciting day for her. It was her first time going on a ride through the park on a horse by herself. She rode Cricket!!
She has always rode behind her Grandma or Grandpa. My dad still had the lead rope, but she was pretty proud to talk about riding all by herself. She is our horse girl. She loves to ride :)